Artist for the Remembrance of Folk Wisdom
Heather Wolf is a Brewess, herbalist, True Voice vocal guide, singer, musician, storyteller, facilitator, ritualist and sacred circle practitioner from the islands of the Salish Sea. Heather is devoted to the study of folk wisdom traditions and the remembrance of our ancestral heritages. Running through her work is a conviction that these arts and practices – carried by the collective, belonging to the whole, and forming the vital foundation of every healthy culture – can help us embody our sacred relatedness to other humans and the living world.
Heather leads private sessions, retreats, and workshops worldwide, gives mythopoeic ritual performances of folk song & story with the mountain dulcimer, and performs with her band Witch Pop.
She is lead trainer for Teen Talking Circles.
Heather’s new single, Midnight Hour is a lament for our world, a prayer for peace, a howl of our broken hearts, our immense love, our grieving, our longing, our praying, and our believing. What feelings, knowings, visions do you awake with in the midnight hour? in the morning? What is the difference between praying and casting a spell?
Our evening together in Portland begins at 6:30. Heather will lead us in an immersive exploration of wildness—half or whole—through voice, body, song, story, and plant teachings. Heather will call forth our primal intelligence through bardic songs and stories, drawn from the timeless river of living folk tradition, accompanied by the sounds of the mountain dulcimer.
In the spirit of communal sharing, this event is a potluck. Please arrive early and bring something if inspired. If you are interested in attending (space is limited), please register. The event location will be shared via email when you register.
Half Wild ( is a community grounded in a deep respect for the land, for nature, and for wildness. Our vision is a world with enough room for all of earth’s 8.7 million living species. We feature environmental practitioners, scientists, activists, filmmakers, writers and artists whose work furthers this vision. Join Half Wild.